Wisconsin Association of Licensed Practical Nurses

Fellow Nurses, Members, and Prospective Students, 


It is with profound honor, that I have been given the privilege to lead Licensed Practical Nurses of Wisconsin.  Licensed Practical Nurses are the backbone of nursing.  The main purpose of our Annual Convention is for sharing education, experience, and legislative issues.  We can learn so much from each other.


I am proud to be an LPN.  Always be proud of who you are; never say, 'I'm just an LPN.', because you ARE important in healthcare.  They can't do it without us.  WE are educated, experienced, and governed by the Wisconsin Board of Nursing.  LPNs can and will deliver safe healthcare to the consumers of Wisconsin.


Stand tall and educate the public on the importance of the work of LPNs for the past 68 years.  Toot your own horn! Know your scope of practice inside and out.  Wisconsin has one of the best scopes of practice and gives LPNs a broad avenue to practice.


WALPN has connections with the Wisconsin Board of Nursing and the Wisconsin Center for Nursing.  LPNs need to stay plugged in if they care about the people of Wisconsin.  Don't let them down, and more importantly, don't let yourself down.  YOU can make a difference in healthcare!


Best regards,


JoAnn Shaw, LPN, President WALPN